Assassin's Creed 4 is about to be unveiled, and a lot of fans are looking at it with a bit of caution. Assassin's Creed 3 was the most hyped game since the first one, and the gaming public found itself worked into a fever pitch starting with E3. The actual game looked a little different from the trailers. It had its moments of brilliance, but a lot of people found it lacking. Here are three ways that the next game can give us a better rendition on 18th century assassination:
Focus: There was a lot of stuff in Assassin's Creed 3 if you went looking for it. Sidequests, naval missions, homestead missions, reams of trinkets — the list goes on. Problem was, none of it really tied together. The trading system had no bearing on the story, had no bearing on the naval missions, so on and so forth. Assassin's Creed 3 was a massive game built in many studios around the world, and it felt like it. I think they could have benefited from picking up the phone more often.
This next game needs to move. We still want all that juicy open world questing, but it needs to tie back into a sense of constant forward progression. In the past, titles like Brotherhood and Revelations have been focused to the point of being myopic, so this game needs to strike the right balance between driving the story and providing a little breathing room.
The disparate world of Assassin's Creed 3, in some ways, served to give the game scope. For me, having unconnected systems made it into something more like a broad look at 18th century New England through the eyes of an Assassin' than a single game. Let's hope we can maintain that feeling for the golden age of piracy, just with a little sense of urgency behind it.
Art style: Assassin's Creed 3 can be summed up in two settings: colonial forest, British colonial city. Fun to see, but once you've seen them, they tend to repeat. It's a far cry from the sprawling cities of the Mediterranean in the Renaissance, which were lush enough to stay interesting even when we stayed rooted in Rome or Constantinople. We need that sense of wonder again.
The Caribbean suffers from the same big problem as colonial New England: there are no big buildings to climb. This is the new world — we'll be a little short on monuments until well into the 19th century. But there are a range of different cities and natural locations to visit, and hopefully they'll all be different enough to hold our attention.
Assassinations: This one should be a no-brainer, but for some reason, AC3 was surprisingly short of what is meant to be the series' trademark: sneaking around and assassinating Templar agents. Maybe it was just hard after an effort to cram so many historical moments into the campaign, but whatever happened, we rarely found ourselves actually playing the assassin.
Give us what's new – give us an expanded naval system, give us open world, give us a motley crew of vicious pirates. But the core game is important. We need to climb and we need to sneak the hidden blade into the agents of a vast conspiracy. Get that right, the rest falls into place.